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Introduction to the Study of Law

The first few weeks of legal study often prove discouraging. This book is designed for a temporary aid during this period. It is a collection of such information as the author has felt "would be of particular assistance to students just entering upon the study of law." It explains in simple language those fundamental principles and truths which the student meets from the first. The relation of law to morality, the difference between authority and dictum, the desirability of following precedent, etc. — all these matters are considered. The writer outlines the difference between law and equity, and gives a brief historical summary of their development. The different kinds of law books, their uses, and abbreviations, are touched upon. The relations of the different courts to each other are mentioned. The author has succeeded in putting what he has to say into an attractive and concise form, and while the book is hardly one for careful study, it will repay reading.

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