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30 Beautiful Butterfly Zentangle Designs


One of the most exciting designs to color is that of the butterfly. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, leaving endless possibilities for our imaginations. Furthermore, they are able to bring out emotions in us that are warm, inviting, and positive. It’s really fascinating because they only need be present to do that. And history shows us that butterflies have always been a draw in most cultures and civilizations. Adults’ live fast paced lives, but their minds and bodies still demand the reprieve from that pace, longing to move a bit slower for just a bit. That is why so many are drawn to coloring as a form of relaxation—it is therapy, in a way.

You can do it anywhere, most anytime, and for however long you want. If you’re looking for a fun way to clear your mind, coloring is likely to grant you your wish. In this book, you’ll get to create beautiful, zentangle butterfly creations that come from your heart and creative mind. Allow yourself to enjoy bringing them to life the way you want to see them. You choose the colors, you choose the feeling, and you gain the benefits of vesting your time in the activity.

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