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Thug Kisses 2

Thug Kisses 2


Synopsis:In this finale of Thug Kisses, stakes are high, as deceitignites a war between the past and present, father and son,husband and wife, friends and foes. Dom and Keisha, unable to walk away from what theystarted, proclaim their love for each other, even thoughKeisha has been forbidden to see him. Dom is not backingdown, prepared to fight for the love of his life, even if itmeans cutting off old friendships and past flames that hitclose to home. However, Keisha’s displaced loyalty hasalways gotten her nowhere. Will she choose loyalty to herfamily over her soul mate, or will she toss caution to thewind and choose happiness, no matter the cost?

Devonaire and Chanel's marriage is under fire, as more liesfrom their past continue to prove she's not the woman hethought she was. After more than twenty years, Devonaire'squest to rid himself of Chanel opens up Pandora's box,revealing more secrets that change the course of his life andfamily. Can Chanel convince Devonaire to give their loveone last shot? Or will these secrets become the death oftheir marriage and his credibility in the streets? Love, betrayal, and deceit flows through the pages of thissteamy urban drama, so take this final ride with the crew tosee how it all explodes.

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