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This Could Be Us But You Playin' 3

This Could Be Us But You Playin' 3


After working hard to keep her family together, Dominique is hit with a devastating blow. She finds out that the happy life she once thought she lived was nothing but a façade when it comes to light that her fiancé, Deondre has been anything but faithful. Not only has he been cheating, but he had been doing so with the people who are closest to her. Overcome with grief from the shocking new information, Dominique lashes out the only way that she knows how, and finds herself in a world of trouble. As she’s carted off to jail, she reflects on her life and decides that she is through playing the fool. The only problem is, Deondre isn’t used to losing, and he doesn’t plan on letting her go that easy.

Kaleb is tired of playing the backup boyfriend, and choses to step away and allow Dominique to work on her family life. Now single, he realizes that he was a fool to put his love life in jeopardy over something that he knew deep down would never be. Like all men he wants his old thing back, and tries to repair the relationship that he had with Tiera. When she reveals that he is going to be father, Kaleb vows to right by his child. Things are great between the two of them, until Dominique comes back around. Will Kaleb keep his word and stay away, or will his love for her cause him to lose everything?

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