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The Most Basic Chinese - All You Need to Know to Get By: The quickest and easiest survival Chinese! (Volume 1) (Chinese Edition)

The Most Basic Chinese - All You Need to Know to Get By: The quickest and easiest survival Chinese! (Volume 1) (Chinese Edition)

This book has been Amazon's Number 1 Chinese E-book for 2012 and so far in 2013. It has achieved this lasting success due to its simplicity and offering exactly the amount of language needed to get by in China in a way that can easily be picked up. Most comments have been very positive but there were the odd negative ones - I did listen and have recently updated the book (May 2013) to answer the concerns expressed by some - Tones are now included, and Simplified Chinese characters are also available for those who wish. I have also restructured the book to be better organised and easier to follow, so I hope you find the book even more useful. I have kept the same low price, and hope it continues to be of use to a lot of people.

'The Most Basic Chinese' teaches all the Mandarin you need to survive, enabling you to learn everything you need simply and effortlessly.

To begin, let's get one thing straight - it is extremely easy to learn all the Basic Chinese you will need if you are travelling to or intending to live in China.

This book gives you all of that language and is presented in a simple way. It can be easily studied on the plane journey over or any other time, and is entirely sufficient to be able to get by in Mandarin on arrival. So don't be fooled by the book length - once you have mastered this small amount of Basic Chinese, you will have reached the same level as thousands of people who have lived, worked and survived in China for years.

Simple Structure to Learn the Basic Language:
The book begins with the very simple (10 most useful phrases for a newcomer), then builds on this in easy stages, such as moving through pronouns, verbs, nouns, adjectives and more, to demonstrate how easy it is to speak Basic Chinese as well as give you the language and knowledge to do so.

With this book, you will already have picked up a great deal of the language and grammar as well as a great sense of how easy it is to speak Basic Chinese.

Basic Conversation:
The Most Basic Chinese also includes the most common Basic Conversation Questions and how to answer them so you can begin speaking to people you have just met.

Phrases for Various Situations:
You will find the book an invaluable tool to keep with you for its simple presentation of the Language and Phrases needed for various situations:
- In a Taxi
- In a Restaurant
- In a Bar
- In a Shop

Major Improvements:
Even while the book has been Amazon's number 1 for Chinese since its publication, and as mentioned above, there were still improvements to be made, based on recommendations and requests from readers:

- Chinese Tones
  A chapter has now been added to cover these and the tone markings have been included with the Chinese words throughout the book, so that you now have the choice whether to learn the tones or not.

- Restructuring
  The book was previously a little disorganised since it was my first one, but has now been restructured to make it even easier to follow, separating it into more relevant sections.

- Simplified Chinese Characters
  Although these do not appear in the book itself (since there is no way without compromising the simplicity of the book), I have them available and can email them to you if you are learning Chinese in more depth and would like them.

Have a Look Inside:
You can check out the structure and opening chapters with Amazon's 'Look Inside' feature by clicking on the book cover at the top.

Good luck and safe travels!

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