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Taste It

Taste It

Every little girl has dreams to be a princess, doctor, lawyer or maybe just a socialite; but not Diamond......Diamond always dreamed of being a boss, not just an ordinary Boss; but theBoss of Bosses. She dreamed of kicking the doors down in a men’s arena and owning her very own casino where she was the sole proprietor. Dice had no other choice but to Boss up on his circumstances or succumb to the hand he was dealt. Dice never being the person to accept average, took adversity and made it his victory. No, he didn’t do the clAt the end of the first book Diamond was blindsided by a secret she wasn’t ready for in any way. Will she let this secret knock her off her square? How will this affect the new marriage of her and Dice? Detrick has finally thrown caution to the wind and pulled up on Tamika. He understands her hesitation although he may not know the reason behind it. Patience runs thin when omissions are viewed as lies. Is the saying what’s done in the dark, will eventually come to the light the case with the brewingVictory was the baby girl out of six siblings and was the bravest out her dysfunctional family. At just the age of 21, she decided to branch off and pursue her career as a porn star. Once she left and moved to Hollywood she never looked back. Not even for family functions or holidays. Although none of her family was perfect, none of her brothers could accept the fact that their beautiful little sister chose one of the worst careers there was to have. They couldn’t even imagine her sleeping with different men on camera for a dollar when they always hustled and made sure she wanted for nothing but in her eyes, it wasn’t for anyone to understand but herself.
Life suddenly hits Victory hard and humbles her when her mother, her best friend, and the only person besides her transgender sister who never judged her, dies. She’s forced to leave her fast life behind and return back to Florida to face all of her demons and try to live a normal city girl life.
Victory loved her boyfriend Max who was also a porn star, but once she returned back to her hometown, she understood that they were no longer compatible. When running into one of her brother business partners, Lace, she realizes that she may just have a shot at real love despite of some of the things she’s done in the past, but in her world the bad always seemed to outweigh the good.
Lace was a hood dude from the streets and even though Victory was a beautiful, sexy and intelligent lady there was no way he could see himself wifing a woman like her. That was until he got a taste of what Victory had to offer.
Living a normal life seemed to not be a part of her calling, and that’s what she tried to get her family to understand her entire life but through the drama, heartbreak, wild and great sex she tries to make the best out of it.
In this urban erotica series, be prepared to go on a real rollercoaster ride as Victory allow you into her hot and steamy world. relationship between the two?Mario finds himself stuck in a situation that he has no business being in at all. Will Mario find out that he was just a pawn in a game being played by someone close to him? Will he accept what has been revealed or will he cause more chaos instead of peace? In this finale of Dice and Diamonds secrets will come to light, and problems will come to pass. The question is will everyone survive the tangled web that has been woven?iche of becoming a KingPin; he mastered the art of gambling.So what happens when the professional gambler and the new reigning Queen of Las Vegas cross paths?Yes, there is an automatic attraction; but are they ready for their worlds being turned upside down from encountering one another. Let’s find out how Dice and Diamond handle their unconventional meeting.

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