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Spanish Phrase Book The Beginners Guide

Learn Spanish Quick and Easy! 

If you are interested in learning Spanish quick and easy then you need to read this book! The problem with most phrase books is that they are teaching the wrong phrases or at least the uncommon phrases. This book is full of the most common phrases you will use while speaking Spanish.  

In this book you learn Spanish phrases about: 
  • Differences Between English & Spanish 
  • Basic Spanish Lessons 
  • Learn Spanish Numbers 
  • Spanish Time & Date 
  • Learn Spanish Family Members 
  • How to Give Directions 
  • Spanish Greetings 
  • Jobs & Education 
  • Hotels & Lodging in Spanish 
  • Feelings in Spanish
  • Eating, Drinking, & Nightlife 
  • Hobbies & Sports 
  • Common Questions & Answers 
  • Reacting to Good News 
  • Clothing & Appearance 
  • Problem Solving 
  • Airplanes & Airports 
  • Sentence Starters 
  • Shopping & Negotiating 
  • Dating & Personal Relationships

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