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Rich Boy Mafia 3


Asha had been back in Atlanta for a week and hadn't spoken to Fame. That was just fine with her. She was hoping he stayed gone. She knew that she was asking for too much because as she was putting laundry in the dryer she heard the locks turn on her front door. She prepared herself for what was to come. It always something with Fame. “So you went to see that nigga?” It was the first thing Fame asked Asha. “No, I took my daughter to see her father.” She tried to walk away but he pulled her back. “Stay away from that nigga or I’ll put a bullet in you and him. How the fuck it look, my bitch out of town with the next nigga?” he asked out loud as he walked away. “I can’t stand his ass,” she mumbled. She headed upstairs to check on Brielle and found her still sleeping. She went back downstairs and found Fame in the living room on the phone. She decided to cook dinner. He didn't even live with her but was always at her crib as if he did. She had to figure shit out before it got too out of hand. “I don’t give a fuck what you gotta do, get them RBM niggas! That’s an order.”

The comment made Asha perk up. She knew she couldn't let that go down. She didn't know how Fame knew RBM or what ties they had but she couldn't let anything happen to Rahsaan or King. Fame walked in the kitchen a few minutes later and grabbed Asha by the waist. She cringed at his touch. Knowing what she knew now, he creeped her out even more. “I’m about to head out, Ma.” He kissed her neck and all she wanted to do was scrub her body. Fame was far from ugly but his attitude was. The more time Asha spent around him the more layers he shed and his true colors began to show. “Okay,” she replied without turning around. She was planning her escape. She knew that Fame was a dangerous man but she also knew that Rahsaan would protect her. She remembered the first altercation they got into when Fame smacked her. He hit her so hard she’d fallen to the floor. Brielle was two weeks old then and she was still feeling the pain from giving birth but that didn't mean shit to Fame. He was so arrogant and thought the world revolved around him. “I’ll call you later, baby,” he said as he walked out the door. Asha waited five minutes and then went to the living room to look out of the window. He was gone.

She used that time to warn Rahsaan. She just hoped that he didn't think she was setting him up. “Hello?” he answered. “Hey, Rahsaan. I need to tell you something.” “What’s up, Asha?” She heard a female in the background catching an attitude. “Tell ya’ bitch to chill, I’m not coming for you,” Asha snapped. “Anyway this guy I've been dating and trying to get away from is a rival of RBM. Now I didn't know this until about fifteen minutes ago when I heard him on the phone. He gave orders to—” “Bitch! You think you’re slick. I knew yo ass wasn't shit.” Rahsaan heard the male voice and the commotion going on in her background and jumped up. “Asha!” he called out, but there was no answer. Fame was beating her like a nigga on the street. He stopped only to pick up the phone and hang it up then he continued to beat her. When he was satisfied that she had been punished he stopped leaving her barely conscious.

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