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I guess the saying ‘secrets keep you stuck’ is true for this group of childhood friends. Although Charnetta, Autumn, Desmond, Roderick, and Bianca, all are living life by their own individual terms, together they are able to create a new business partnership that makes them all level up. With the Custom Luxury Car Dealership taking off, life is great.

Everyone is working to build a successful empire and that is their main focus until, one night changed their lives forever…. Roderick and Autumn have the ideal marriage and no one thinks that it can be rocked. But then again, no one has any idea what goes on behind closed doors, especially when you invite an extra guest.

Meanwhile, Charnetta is putting her all into a relationship with Desmond while he is avoiding the commitment she is searching for, but he better beware. ‘What you don’t do for your woman, the next man might.’ He realizes this when he gets a wakeup call. Bitter Bianca is on the prowl from the beginning with her eye on one man. She is the woman that every man wants to sleep with but not wife. That doesn’t bother her because she is willing to do what it takes to get what she wants.

Like they say, “Be careful what you wish for.” Everything comes with a price but what are these friends willing to pay to get what they want? Find out when you read this story of sex, lies and revenge…

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