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Loving My Miami Boss 3

Loving My Miami Boss 3


The anticipated finale has finally arrived and all the secrets, lies and deceptions that the Knight Brothers failed to notice are finally being brought out into the light, one by one. Danger - the one thing that Hassan suddenly finds himself in. With danger lurking at every corner and horrible situations constantly popping up, what more can Hassan Knight do than lash out and personally make sure that the ones set out to destroy him and his empire, die. Dominique is alive and has managed to get to the most important person in Hassan’s life, Nazariah Jordan.

She’s gotten to Nazariah so bad that Hassan’s Miss Shyness might now have her life in terrible jeopardy. Hassan could end up losing the one woman he’s ever loved because of the one woman that won’t ever seem to let him go. All Hassan knows is that he must handle Dominique and destroy her before she manages to destroy him. He can’t let her win, not now, not later, and not ever. It’s always the quiet ones they say you have to watch out for and Hassan is only now learning this the hard way. And he knows that in order for his lesson to be taught, he must carry out his retribution against those who have wronged him, his family, and his empire. All enemies of the Knight Bosses, must be terminated, one by one.*RE-RELEASE*

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