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Loving A Trap God

Loving A Trap God


When things become too much for Eden in Miami, she moves to Michigan hoping to leave her dark past behind. She soon links up with Mafioso Anthony Suarez and becomes the secretary of his multi-million dollar cocaine and heroin empire. Just as she's getting into the swing of things and keeping a low profile, she meets Julian.

Julian is twenty years old with nothing to lose and the world to gain. Tired of not being able to provide for his family, he and his boy Lucky take matters into their own hands and go to Anthony for help. Once Julian is secured with a connect he soon starts to build his empire and realizes that one thing is missing...his queen.

Soon Eden and Julian start a relationship that could rival the greatest love story. But when jealousy, deceit, and lies surface their very foundation is shaken. Can they make it out unscathed? After all, no one said loving a Trap God would be easy.

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