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Love and Traphouses Atlanta


Life couldn’t have been more perfect even if Azure Knight had written the fairy tale herself. The little girl from the hood who was abandoned on the day she was born was now living life of her dreams. She was about to marry the man of her dreams, preparing for what everyone called the wedding of the decade. Her bank account was full and she was about to close the book on what had made her rich over the years. Max just wanted to marry the girl who he couldn’t live without and continue to stack his paper. He had come a long way from the late nights in the trap house sleeping on a futon. Azure never left his side and hand in hand they traveled through some nightmares to live their dreams… Or at least they thought that the nightmares were over.

What do you get when one of the closest people to you actually hates the ground you walk on? You get federal prison time, hundreds of miles distance from home, no communication, death of a love one and a broken heart from the one person you thought that you could never live without. The saying “True love never dies” is believable, but will it prevail? Who is the mastermind behind all this despair plaguing these lovebirds? Welcome to Love and Trap houses Atlanta… where the right thing to do and the hardest thing to do is now one and the same.

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