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Don't cry, cheat back 2 (Don't Cry Cheat Back #2)

Don't cry, cheat back 2 (Don't Cry Cheat Back #2)

When you give your heart to someone, you're taking a chance on getting hurt but trusting them not to. Tiffany Bevier quickly learns that most people will hurt her and she just has to figure out who's worth the pain. Will she choose her long term boyfriend James or new girlfriend Megan?Nicole Griffin ran off with her husband's money forcing him to leave the mother of his children behind bars. Karma catches up to her quickly when she realizes that she's being followed. She knows that Trevor will never stop coming for her until one of them is dead but who will it be?James Griffin wasted years of Tiffany's life cheating on her when he finally realizes that she's the one for him after being shot by his brother for sleeping with his wife. All he needs is one more chance to show Tiffany that he's changed but will his secret part in the take down of Trevor come back and destroy what he's trying build?All is fair in love and war but when will enough ever be enough? How many people have to die before the crew realizes that two wrongs doesn't make it right?

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