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Caught Up Loving a Gangsta 2: The Truth

Caught Up Loving a Gangsta 2: The Truth


The verdict is in and we all found out how a sheep survives when being thrown to the wolves.

With his new found position, Drill has set out for blood and won't stop until all traitors pay. But his plans quickly come to a halt when his first victim was found murdered and not by him. Someone has set out to destroy him and he has no idea who it is.

Ebony finds herself in the midst of Drills drama. She also finds herself stuck in between two men when she starts to develop feelings for Drills sworn enemy, Cat.

Though Ebony still has feelings for Drill, he just might be a little too cut throats for her. And with Cat, she finds herself in something deeper than love.

With many battles to fight, will Drill find his way back to Ebony or will he return back to his old ways?

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