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Came A Long Way

Came A Long Way


4 women + 1 man = DRAMA. Because of his lifestyle, Rafiq Harris is pegged as a womanizer. In the eyes of the media, he is the reigning champ of scandal. But, behind closed doors, he's far from the dog that he is made out to be. With so many women chasing him, he only has eyes for one special lady. However, getting the prize isn't as easy as he expected. Soraya Jones isn't impressed by his money and fame, so Rafiq has to step outside of his box to bag his queen. However, it's not so simple when he has a host of women all chasing after the same thing… his money and his heart.

Deanna has been down for Rafiq since they were in high school. She knew what she was getting herself into with him from the start, but, she felt she was entitled to his heart once he was ready to settle down. However, Rafiq doesn't see it that way. Kendra was hired as his publicist, but, she finds out the hard way why you can't mix business with pleasure. Brandi is what you call the bitter baby mama from hell. She hasn't gotten over the fact that Rafiq have moved on and now he only wants to do right by his daughter without the drama.

However, if she can't have him, no one else can. Last, you have Soraya, the one that got away. Thanks to his mother, Vanessa, after their one night of pleasure, he didn't see her again until years later and he's willing to do whatever it takes to make her his queen. How will Rafiq handle all the drama coming his way with the women in his life? Came Along Way is a classic tale, filled with drama, love, and deceit. It's sure to heat up your kindles and leave you thirsty for more.

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