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Bestseller Tactics 2: The Ultimate Book Marketing System - Advanced author marketing techniques to help you sell more kindle books and make more money. Advanced Self Publishing

Bestseller Tactics 2: The Ultimate Book Marketing System - Advanced author marketing techniques to help you sell more kindle books and make more money. Advanced Self Publishing


The Ultimate Book Marketing System

Includes the latest strategies using Kindle Countdown Deals and Kindle Matchbook

So, you've self published your kindle book on Amazon and now you're waiting for the money to come rolling in.

You may be waiting a while... and you've learned that it's not as easy as they say to make money with Kindle, then chances are that you are spending more and more time marketing than you spend writing, and that’s not good.

Creating a book is a great achievement. Even when your book is primed for marketing as covered in Bestseller Tactics Book 1, you still need to give it a push to get things rolling.

The problem is that sometimes you have a good launch and all goes well, and sometimes it doesn't work as well. This leaves you wondering what you did right and what you did wrong. Then of course the sales slip into oblivion and you have to start all over again.

Frustrating isnt it?

Imagine if you had a system that guaranteed to get your book moving. Giving it the best chance of success in sales. How would that feel?, would it make a difference to you?

That is what you will find in this second book in the Bestseller Tactics series.

This book contains a step-by-step, repeatable system of marketing for Kindle and Paperback books on Amazon. It covers the launch using a free promotion, and continues with the ongoing marketing of your books.

Breaking the launch process into four stages, you will be able to comfortably repeat the same methods time and time again, with the results clearly visible in your sales figures. The book comes complete with a supporting documentation pack containing checklists, and a comprehensive collection of places to market your books for free. In total, this gives access to almost half a million readers.

Every single time that the full launch system has been used, the book in question has reached well into the top 100free on a KDP Select promotion all within two days, Also hitting the top three of the Hot New Releases. That's right - Every Single Time.

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