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Torn Between A Thug Vol.1

Torn Between A Thug Vol.1


As if life wasn’t already complicated enough, things are really about to heat up in Torn Between a Thug. After the shooting took place at The Red Door, the club’s owner’s brother died as a result. To add insult to injury, for Keeyon, at least, was the fact that the shooting didn’t accomplish its main goal, which was to get Izaak for a beef between the two that had gotten just a little too tender.

However, with the help of a long-time friend, Wood, Keeyon will stop at nothing to get Izaak back. Izaak now not only has to deal with Kahlil’s state after being found in the basement, but also revenge for a post he put on Facebook involving Keeyon’s girl, La’Kisha. While pushing Rohandra, his former side chick, to the side, literally, he finds that other parts of his life are bursting at the seams. The situation between Izaak and Keeyon pulls the mother of his son, ways that neither of them would have imagined, nor would they be able to forget.

Brici, on the other hand, is somewhat out of the loop for quite some time. Rather, she and Tramicia, are in the midst of establishing a better bond with their father and older half-sister. Brici, on her way back to Chicago one night, will find out what is really going on with Izaak...and why he’d become so distant, especially when he was supposed to be spending the weekend with his son Urick. Rohandra, who is trying to move beyong the resentment she feels from overhearing a phone conversation between Izaak and his cousin Darius, has just started using her body to make money. Shortly after working on her skills then using them for a man downtown, she finds that her body is changing. She wakes up one morning and.... Here, she will learn a lesson about loyalty when it comes to Sheeni, as she finds it may not be a two-way street between the two of them. Torn Between a Thug is the story of the ripple effects of one bullet-filled night in a club...and how somebody will

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