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This Could Be Us But You Playin'


Dominique was a product of a broken home. With a mother who hated her very existence, and a father who was locked away in prison for the attempted murder of her mother; she just couldn’t catch a break. With a stressful home life, Dominique's only ray of sunshine is her boyfriend, Kaleb. As teens the duo are madly in love, with plans to marry and raise a family together.

That is until Kaleb unintentionally breaks her heart. Dominique is crushed, and does the only thing she can think of; and that is to leave. Kaleb realizes that he’s messed up when Dominique moves away and goes off to college; leaving behind no way to contact her. After a few years Kaleb eventually accepts the fact that Dominique is gone forever. By then he has his life on track, and is now a very successful business man with the world at his fingertips. A chance encounter reconnects the two ex-lovers, and Kaleb sees it as a chance to right his wrongdoings, and finally be with the one who captured his heart all those years ago.

There’s one problem; not only is Dominique engaged to marry another man, but she is also the mother of his son. To make matters worse, Kaleb himself is involved with a woman who loves him unconditionally. Although faced with a sticky situation, Kaleb refuses to allow Dominique to slip away again. He vows to get her back at any cost; even if it means destroying a home that Dominique doesn't know is damaged to begin with. Will these lovers reconnect, or will they realize that their ships have passed?

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