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Then There Was Us: A Ghetto Love in Detroit 2

Then There Was Us: A Ghetto Love in Detroit 2


Yemi had gone through enough heartache for ten people. But this time around, life was finally looking up for her. She was making money and building towards a future, but what she failed to realize was that she was literally living with the enemy. Under unfortunate circumstances, Azar is placed back in her life, but he's not as excited about their reunion as Yemi had hoped for. He was utterly disgusted with her life style choices and made the conscious decision to cancel her out like he does the majority of the women who come in and out of his life. Azar has enough on his plate, like the fact that he's now an accessory to murder.

Where his loyalty shall lie becomes a question he's faced with. On top of that, he finds himself having a hard time keeping a tight lid on the temper he's worked so hard to tame. With the Olympics and a local match quickly approaching, there is no room for distractions. Will the ghetto love story of Yemi and Azar finally begin? Or will Yemi, young and naive, continue to be blinded by the money bags attached to the fast lifestyle as a stripper? Secrets are exposed and friends become foes. Find out how it all unfolds between the pages of Then There Was Us 2.

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