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Still Single AF (Social Experiment)

Still Single AF (Social Experiment)


SINGLE “again”: When you were once involved in a stable relationship, then poof, it all goes to s*@%. Meeka: I should win an award for playing the perfect girlfriend.Tone: I should win an Oscar for the way I undertook the attentive boyfriend role.Meeka: We were madly in love once, right?Tone: Yeah, but now it’s time to tell the truth.Meeka: No one will believe we’ve been broken up for months.Tone: And living together throughout it has sucked.Meeka: Working together has been worse. Tone: What really happened is the only thing more damning than us faking it.Meeka: Meaning...Tone: We have to come clean.Meeka: F#$%. Please note: Still Single AF is a short story about the status of Meeka and Tone's relationship. It is highly advised that you read Single AF first.

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