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Somebody Elses Husband: Tammies Story

Somebody Elses Husband: Tammies Story


Tammie and Mike are married with three children. Lately Mike has been making the typical moves of a cheater, working late and always hiding his phone. Tammie is suspicious and convinced that Mike’s attention is on someone else. That is, until he sweeps her off of her feet with a romantic night that she will never forget.

All of her worries are washed away with every touch, kiss, and stroke. Confidence in her man and marriage replaces her previous suspicions. Then as luck would have it, evidence of Mike’s infidelity smacks her in the face. It’s a hard dose of reality. Yet what hurt much worse is the realization of who the side chick is. After cheating on Tammie off and on for years, Karma finally steps in and Mike meets the side chick from hell. She has fallen in love with him and won’t let go.

A wicked turn of events reveals his infidelity, and Mike quickly realizes that this is one side chick that will not go away. This story will take you on a wild ride full of hills, dips, and curves filled with romance, pain, betrayal, and lots of drama all intertwined in one emotional roller coaster.

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