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She use to be the sweetest girl 2

She use to be the sweetest girl 2


After being stabbed by another inmate, Nichole is released from jail to reunite with Murda after her short stint behind bars. When push comes to shove they are once again separated but this time by forces greater than those steel walls. Murda finds himself on a mental war craze when he can’t figure out how to protect Nichole. He doesn’t know if he should run around killing everybody until he finds the person responsible for her torment or keep his ear to the streets and hope valuable information fall into his lap.

Without Nichole, neither Amber nor Murda knows how to function properly. It’s understandable for Amber considering they balance each other out as best friends that are more like sisters. Murda has only known her a short period of time and already the urge to come to her rescue has proven to be stronger than anyone would have ever thought. Murda’s only problem is, he doesn’t know who he’s saving her from. Meanwhile, Nichole is stuck in a hellhole with no way out. Will she find a way out or live in misery until the mystery man is done with her? Will Murda figure out who this guy is and save his damsel in distress?

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