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She Not Ready For A Savage Like Me

She Not Ready For A Savage Like Me


Dior is a twenty-two-year-old bank teller that doesn't want to have anything to do with men. Growing up she watched as her mother ran through many men and decided that she was saving herself. With an empty space in her heart to fill Dior hides behind a wall that she has built up herself, not letting any man in.

That was until she met Sincere Williams. Sincere Williams seemed like the perfect package on the outside. Having good and steady income and being breath taking handsome but there was one problem, he was married. Sharee, is an upcoming model, that is sick of nearly killing herself trying to maintain an image for money.

Day in and day out she spends the day watching what she eats, making sure to not gain too much wait afraid that she won't be accepted anymore. Through her troubles she meets Hunter. Lastly Sophia, with Sincere as an overbearing, older brother and parents that come and go, she doesn't have time for foolishness in her life.

Sophia has dreams of taking her clothing designs to the next level. She just needs to come clean to her older brother, letting him know that she has been seeing one of his closest friends behind his back... Three different women, three different stories, could they be ready to fall in love with these Savages like they think they are?

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