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Record Label Romance

Record Label Romance


29-year-old multimillionaire, Mystie Erving, has a wonderful life most people could only dream of. After her father passed away Mystie became the owner and CEO of one of the most successful black own record labels ever established. She has a wonderful group of successful friends and family she loves with all of her heart.

What’s missing in her life is someone to keep her warm at night, since her first and only love took on the military life. After signing her very first rap artist to the label, Mystie realizes the truth behind the old parable “Never Judge a Book by its Cover”. Shakim Muwzea has just secured his way out of the streets by signing a deal with Golden Crown Records.

When his manager and best friend, Yonti, introduces him to the man that was about to make it all happen, he is shocked to learn that it is actually a beautiful young woman. The unlikely chemistry between the two of them is hard to ignore. But there are two problems: Shakim has a checkered past and a girlfriend at home.

Still, the heart wants what it wants and soon Mystie and Shakim embark on a journey that seems destined for destruction and chaos. When Shakim’s tainted past comes looking for him in the present, who will stand by his side, who will win his heart and who will get a chance to have it all in this Record Label Romance?

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