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Postcards From The Edge

Postcards From The Edge


From the moment Messiah laid eyes on Shyhiem, she knew he was no good for her. Tall, dark as night with a chip on his shoulder, he was everything she needed to stay away from. Messiah was already headed down a dangerous road to recovery, as the ex-ballerina battled with the death of her parents and son. It was haunting her every move.

On paper, they were never meant to be, but neither of their hearts would let the other go. For a month and a half, Messiah and Shyhiem were on top of the world. Their love affair impacted their lives in ways neither of them could have imagined - until outside influences eventually tore them apart.

Since their relationship was severed, a month has gone by, leaving both Messiah and Shyhiem on the edge of insanity. Being away from each other is a struggle neither of them could’ve imagined - but being together isn’t an option either can afford. It's already been determined that they’re no good for one another, so why does love keep pulling them back?

Time keeps ticking, seasons are about to change and new obstacles are in place. Will Messiah and Shyhiem find their way back to one another for good or will they be another tragic, love story destined for nowhere?

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