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Never Going Back

Never Going Back


When Briana got with Bryan she thought that he was going to be the one that she would spend the rest of her life with. She met him and fell in love quickly without hesitation. Their life together was perfect and a wedding was in their future. Extremely happy and deep in love with Bryan, Briana put her main focus on her life with him.

Until secrets about Bryan’s other life was brought out into the open by an unexpected source. Blindsided by betrayal Briana finds out that Bryan isn’t who she thought he was. When Briana confronts Bryan about his lies and deceit, his reaction was not what she expected. Guilty Bryan turns it all on Briana when she confronts him about his dirt.

He snaps and almost takes her life, after she finds out about Carla the woman that he’d been seeing behind her back. Briana leaves Bryan, but after a little hiatus, she finds herself right back with him.

Although things seemed to be alright at first, Bryan’s dark side resurfaces and he sends Briana right back through the hell he had already put her through. When Briana meets some girl named Jade, she decides that she will not go through it with Bryan any more, but will she find the strength to leave?

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