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My Husbands Other Women 3

My Husbands Other Women 3


Ephesians 5:25 says, husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church. Rayvon Laws either never read the bible, or has no clue of the definition of love. Rayvon has proved that once a cheater always a cheater. As Part 3 unfolds, the women in Rayvon's life realize that every dog has his day. But which of his other women finally brings him to his knees? Janice has put her heart and soul into making her marriage last.

After realizing that her efforts will never be enough to hold onto someone who was never hers to begin with, will she be able to find peace and forgiveness in a man she once despised. Stacy has been used to letting her sister handle anyone that wronged her. But when the tables are turned, she must find the courage needed to step into the unfamiliar role of protector. At the end of it all who will be left scrambling to have the scales of justice tipped in their favor.

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