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Loving my Husband & Yours Too

Loving my Husband & Yours Too


Keira and Tamario were the last ones to walk through the door. They entered my house hand in hand as if they were the perfect fucking couple. I smiled and gave them both a quick hug and got to the kitchen to sneak a drink of wine. It was one of the many gifts that we received at our housewarming party back in February.

I had been hiding it in the pantry, just waiting for the perfect time to bust it open. Being that I had only consumed alcohol once before, I decided to take it slow. Yeah, I got a buzz quickly, but I was nowhere near drunk. Fifteen minutes later, it was something different. I definitely didn’t have the slightest inclination what affects it had on the mind and body. Why didn’t someone warn me? By the time the wine kicked in to its full capacity, our guests were starting to leave. I had to piss something terrible so I rushed to the bathroom.

Someone was in the main one, so I rushed back to my bedroom. Strangely, the door was closed. I had just passed DeAndre so I knew it couldn’t be him in there. I twisted the knob and began to go in. “I’m in here,” I heard a guys’ voice yell out but it was too late. I already had fully entered. My mouth opened and my bottom lip dropped. What I was seeing before my eyes I could not believe.

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