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Love & His Majesty (Volume 1)

Love & His Majesty (Volume 1)


LaNiya Wallace, aspiring singer/songwriter had been with only man her whole life, Josh. Star athlete in high school and college up until two years ago. Abusive and his addiction to detrimental behaviors, he pushes her to her breaking point. Pushes her very close to death. Then one day…. “The voice that responds back tranquilizes me. I feel the heat rushing to my face. I could never forget his voice. The smooth, low baritone caressing his, what I perceive as, East Coast accent. Looking up, I feel that same heat travel down my throat right to my chest and it rests in my stomach.

There is so much electricity in his stare I fear it could trigger a heart attack. Slowly he tilts his head slightly to the left and a grin forms on his lips.” Findor Faccoli, son of a legendary music mogul, Arthur Faccoli is seeking to step out of the shadow of his father.

Broken and broken hearted by his parents and the love of his life, he finds his way in God. He finds a spark of hope and a chance at the life he always wanted when he runs into Niya. “Being with you lessens the weight on my shoulders, you know. You are so beautiful, so talented and so unaware that you’re both.

I feel like a woman like you deserves all you want in life. You’re nothing like what I grew up with.” Could they be everything the other is missing and more? This is their story through her eyes.

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