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Looking For Love: A Lesbian Love Story


Lesbian: Looking For Love 30 Year Old Lesbian Woman Has A Bad-Habit of Looking For Love From All the Wrong Women—Will She Breakfree of Her Bad-Habit? This is a lesbian romance story that is based on Megan Burton's search for her 'Miss Right. Megan is a live-in nanny in Santa Monica, California, who works for a single successful businesswoman, Valery Gordon, caring for her eight-year old daughter, Kate. Megan's life changes when she goes on a date with someone that she met on an online dating sight. While out on this date, the woman becomes very aggressive and is trying to kiss Megan in the bar they agreed to meet at, the woman has her hands all over Megan. Megan is trying to get the woman to back-off. In the meantime the ex-husband of her employer sees her in the bar. He is furious that the woman who is the nanny of his child is a lesbian—he is not gay friendly.

And is disgusted that she is out in a public bar acting in such a disgusting manner, kissing and groping the woman beside her. He approaches Megan, asking to have a word with her in private. He threatens her that she should stay away from his child, or he will come after her and choke the life out of her with his own two hands. He storms out of the bar with a sleazy-looking female following quick at his heels. Megan is totally shaken up by this whole unpleasant episode. Terrified of what this man might do to her, she ends her date, and heads home to put in her resignation to Valery Gordon. Megan is heartbroken because she is really attached to Val’s daughter, Kate, and also has a secret sexual attraction to Val. She couldn't explain it, but she felt that Val was attracted to her too. But, now that would not matter as she was being forced to leave because of the threats from the tyrant of an ex-husband, Jack Nevan. Does this mean that Megan will be forced to cut her ties with Kate and Val forever? I guess you will have to read the book to find out! Buy your copy today! Warning: This story has sexual content and may not be suitable for children under 18

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