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Just (Epitome of Femistry) 3

Just (Epitome of Femistry) 3


Series Order:
Jane Doe (Growing Pains- 1)
Thou Shall Not Keep Me Wondering (growing Pains -2)
Just (Growing Pains - 3)

Lyric Caldwell, Latrice Anderson, and Victoria Renee Brown have been like sisters since their years of pigtails, glue sticks, and crayons. Through the years they have suffered the unthinkable together; demise, dishonor, and heartache. However, such experiences have molded these rough and naïve teenage girls from the “Windy City” into independent, sovereign, and self-sufficient adults who are sexy, ambitious, and ready for what life will bring… seemingly.

Latrice has always seen herself married with children; white picket fence and all. Yet, heartbreak after heartbreak has turned her into a financial guru, seeking out only those that can materialistically love her until her heart says otherwise. Picking the pockets of entrepreneurs, drug dealers, and even the regular 9-to-5ers works to her heart’s content while she plays the cat and mouse chase with her Nigerian homie-non-lover friend and love interest, Tunde.

As Latrice continues to figure out whether she is feeling lust or love for her Nigerian potential, her best friend and roommate, Lyric, is hiding her own scandalous laundry and trying to determine whether the kind of love she is experiencing will be accepted by her friends and family. She is guilt stricken by the lies she tells on a daily basis while condemning Victoria for doing the same and splitting up the “Three Musketeers” some years ago.

Day after day, Lyric and Latrice experience humorous and touching tales of love and lust while Victoria is miles away from her rekindled friendship with Latrice and still damaged sisterhood with Lyric trying to figure out why the sex-life between her and her live-in boyfriend/”baby's daddy” has come to an undeniable jolting end. As she spends her days fighting to keep their relationship together, she is too busy throwing tantrums to witness the deceit that is going on right under her nose.

What starts off as the typical boy meets girl/boy plays girl games turns into a contagious and erotic cycle of suspense, humor, sex, lies, infidelity, and deceit, all bundled up in an entertaining package of sexy diva deliciousness!

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