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In Haven

In Haven

Raleigh Simone couldn’t tell you anything about love and family. After watching her mother suffer from the abuse of her father for years, Raleigh decided love would never be worth the possibility of pain.

Haven Jackson didn’t have a normal childhood growing up. He didn’t experience the love and nurture that his friends received from their mothers, or the guidance and teachings they gained from their fathers. It was because of his lack of a loving family that Haven made finding a wife to love his priority.

There’s just one problem–the woman he chose to love doesn’t want to have anything to do with it or him.

The second Raleigh laid eyes on Haven she knew he would be trouble. He stirred up feelings within her that no other man ever had. Between her pushing him and his offer to love her away, and him pulling for her to give him and his love a chance… someone is bound to fall.

The question is… which one will it be?

Will Raleigh fall into Haven’s love and find peace in what she’s been running from for years? Or will Haven fall for Raleigh and find himself shattered by her inability to catch him or pick him up?

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