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Girls Fall Like Dominoes: An Urban Fiction Novel of Survival and Street Love

Girls Fall Like Dominoes: An Urban Fiction Novel of Survival and Street Love


Discover the Sizzling Hot Romance Story Filled With Raw Passion and Dangerous Intentions

Joy was never a hustler, but she always had a keen taste for them…

From the streets of Pontiac to Detroit, Joy had the life of her dreams. Her boyfriend, a drug dealer name Daniel, spoiled her with expensive cars, a huge house, jewelry – whatever popped into her mind.

But nothing lasts forever as Joy's life began to spiral down unexpectedly when Daniel went to jail. She had no clue how to take care of herself or the lifestyle Daniel left behind for her to maintain.

Joy was living like they still had it, but the mask she wore wouldn't last long. Her best friends became former and even foes when she couldn't maintain her luxurious lifestyle without the support of her man Daniel by her side.

Searching for the easy way out, she became desperate for cash and survival...Sitting outside her sister's house, she pondered how she could seduce her sister's husband…After all, he's a hustler too…

Is she desperate enough to betray her sister? Is she ready to pay the hefty price tag that comes with dangerous intentions like that?

Girls Fall Like Dominoes is an intricately crafted romance story that will take you on a unique and enthralling journey through Joy's crumbling world.

Filled with suspense, palpable sexual tension, and raw passion, this page-turning story will always keep you on your toes and leave you yearning for more.

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