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Drunk In Love: An Original Love Story 4

Drunk In Love: An Original Love Story 4


Drunk In Love 4 is back with Olivia and Zay happily planning for the nuptials of their upcoming wedding. Although they are now in a good space, others are finding it hard to cope with the unexpected events of life’s lessons. Angel and Mark have suffered the loss of their baby girl. Mark just wants to make it right. However, Angel is on another mission. In the wake of her demise may come a blessing in disguise.

Things are finally looking up for this couple or, so it may seem. Everyone pays a price when living their dreams, but will Angel’s cost her everything, including her life? Felisha finds herself in the unlikeliest of situations and learns that life can be taken away at any given time. Because of her new outlook on life, she finally wises up and makes a major decision.

A decision that could possibly stir up more drama than she ever anticipated. Dillon comes face to face with Rihanna and finds out the most SHOCKING NEWS of them all. Will he and Zoe stand the test of time? Or, will someone end up walking away and never looking back? Drunk In Love 4; A Must Read!

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