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Dream & Drake: A Cartel Love Story

Dream & Drake: A Cartel Love Story

Dream is a stranger to struggle and life in the streets. The product of a loving, middle-class- two-parent home, she knows nothing about going without the basic necessities in life. The life Dream lives, is exactly that to the less fortunate: a Dream. Gift-ed with the finer things, Dream’s only concern is finishing school and finding a good man who will someday make her a mother and a wife. Dream knows exactly who and what she wants and she refuses to settle for less. When she meets Drake, Dream is immediately swept off her feet and falls victim to his charm and irresistible touch. Drake is everything that Dream has ever wanted in a man and more than she ever expected.

The moment Drake saw Dream; he secretly claimed her as his woman and made a vow to have her by all means necessary. Drake’s desire to have Dream as his own, has him willing to give up the life he lives in the streets and settle down. However, it’s not easy to walk away when you’re a Boss and others depend on you to survive.

Drake’s brother Breeze is fresh out of jail after doing a two year bid and he needs his help. Marked as a weak link by the members of the Chicago Cartel, the crime family that raised and reared both Drake and Breeze, Breeze is depending on Dream to help him solidify his place in the family. Determined to show himself worthy, Breeze accepts the challenges required to earn the “Family’s” trust. Ready and willing to die for his seat at the round table, Breeze refuses to let any thing or any one stand in his way. However, what he didn’t prepare for was meeting Bey.

Bey is beautiful-bold and straight forward. From the mo-ment she met Breeze, she managed to get under his skin with her, “no holds barred” attitude and slick tongue. At times Breeze finds himself wanting to slice her throat, at others he wants noth-ing more than to kiss and caress every inch of her body. The two of them discover what makes them complete opposites is the very thing that makes their connection just right.

Drake and Breeze are on their way to having everything they ever wanted. From money to love. However, when you make your living off an illegal hustle, the road to success is tainted, often stained with blood and guarded by opposition and enemies who want nothing more than to take what’s yours. How will Drake and Breeze stand, when their enemies come for their lives and their money? How will Dream react when she discovers the shady side of Drake’s business? Can Breeze and Bey overcome their differences to become the ultimate power couple? Find out in this gritty, drama-filled, urban love story, presented by Cole Hart and written by African- American, author, Princess Diamond.

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