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Cuffing A Philly Street Thug

Cuffing A Philly Street Thug


“I can never win. And isn’t life that way? You always want what you can’t have. Everything is always in the wrong place at the right time or vise versa. Either way, you never get the whole package. You never get all it is you want.”

Jamika, an ambitious, beautiful, bronze goddess is the independent and talented mother to nine-year-old Gem. Unaware of what lies ahead, she goes to a throwback concert featuring her favorite group of all time, Black Ice. She finds herself thrown into a dark yet interesting world she never knew with Dante, a tall, dark-skinned body guard who lived a life under the radar all of these years. She’s in disbelief as she finds herself caught up in a whirlwind of unexpected sex, drama, betrayal, her favorite artist from Black Ice, and something she promised she’d never do after she lost her boyfriend, Max, ten years ago – mess with the game. How did this all happen? Did Max actually die? How will she survive, penniless? What happened to her money? Will she be able to protect Gem? Who of her close friends can she trust? Will Dante resurface?

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