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Coffee with a side of You

Coffee with a side of You

Nyx Fifer went half on everything with a man that hadn’t committed to giving her all of him, so when Glenn left… Nyx was stuck carrying all of the financial weight he neglected to take with him – as if she wasn’t having a hard-enough time keeping her coffee shop up and running.

Rocco Tate was in the business of giving and taking. As a real estate developer, he gave to potential business owners that he believed he could profit from, and took the businesses of those that he believed he couldn’t.

When Rocco decided to invest in a few blocks and turn the space into an entertainment district he didn’t expect Nyx to stubbornly hold up his plan. Her business was clearly suffering because of the competition of a major coffee chain on the same street, and Rocco was sure Nyx would immediately jump on the opportunity to work with him.

She didn’t.

Her persistence to keep her business matched his persistence to buy it from her. And as he pursued her business… Rocco also found himself pursuing Nyx’s heart. Tired of men withdrawing more than they deposited into her, Nyx refused to allow Rocco access to either… but will that consistently be the case? Or will she end up like the other hundreds of business owners that fell for Rocco’s devastating charm and hand over the keys to both her business and her heart?

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