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Broken Condoms & Promises 2

Broken Condoms & Promises 2

Everyone knows that with love comes heartbreak, but what happens when that pain pushes you to the edge, causing you to make reckless decisions? Now that all three of their worlds have been turned upside down, Siya, Eshari and Cassidy all find themselves trying to pick up the pieces; all with completely different outlooks on life.

Just when Siya thought she’d gotten the monkey off her back, she is faced with losing the love of her life all because of one bad decision. Kendrick. Now that Dacarri knows the truth about Siya’s connection with his uncle, will he continue to stay away or will he be able to get through to her before it’s too late for another chance? The last time Siya spoke to anyone was right before she pulled the trigger in a suicide attempt. In that moment, it seems all hope is lost for her, but there's just no telling…

A baby was all Eshari ever wanted, but she never imagined that she would be pregnant by her husband’s brother, Samir. With the secrets of Hassan’s down-low infidelity revealed, she has to make a crucial decision about her wrecked marriage. Will she come clean about her pregnancy to Hassan before everything is brought to the light, or will she carry around her dark secret for nine months? When family secrets are revealed that just may wreck everything, Eshari is forced to come face to face with the reality of what she’s done. Eshari is left with one question: Can she find happiness with or without a ring on her finger and a man by her side?

Not only does Cassidy find herself pregnant, but also on edge when an unexpected slip up in her revenge plot takes place. Her heart is torn in two different directions between Nasir, the man she used to love and Jonathan, the man she still desperately wants to be with. She wants nothing more than to get what she is owed; love and respect from both of them, and she’ll do anything to get it. Cassidy soon finds herself the common denominator in a toxic love triangle and it just may cost her everything; including her freedom. Cassidy learns the hard way that karma is a bigger bitch than she could ever be when her lies catch up to her.

In Broken Condoms and Promises 2, drama continues to loom in the air for these three at the peak of their thirtieth birthdays. Has too much damage been done to their hearts, or will they be able to overcome it all before they’re considered “damaged goods”? With pain in their hearts, revenge on their minds and lies on the tips of their tongues, a few broken hearts may not be the only casualties in the game of love.

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