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Bought for Love


Can a person be bought for love? You don’t know Jack! Jack Duncan is a ruthless, egotistical, cold hearted son of a bitch and that’s only in the boardroom. When it comes to sex and romance there’s only one word he expects to hear and that word is yes! Sinfully sexy, he could manipulate anyone to follow his lead and he wasn’t above pretending to be something he was not to get what he wanted. Emily Yates was sweet, young, and innocent. The perfect pawn for a man like Jack to use. She was a blank slate that he could mold into the woman he wanted by his side for his political career.

From the moment she walked into his office he was determined to have her in his bed, in his life, and as his perfect little pet. Pouring on the charm, Emily saw the Jack he wanted her to see, but would she discover out who he really was before her heart was destroyed? You don’t know Jack. What he wants he gets. Even if Emily discovered his true nature would she already be too far gone to walk away? And would he let her leave if she tried? When a man like Jack decides you’re his, all you can do is hope to survive the aftermath of whatever plans he has.

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