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Believe 1

Believe 1


Markwon has had things come to him easily most of his young life. His parents gave him whatever he wanted and so did the girls at his high school. One day a sixty-second altercation leads to a decision that would alter his young life forever. But Kwon’s decision doesn’t just affect his life, it affects the lives of everyone around him, and lives he didn’t even know existed. Faced with immeasurable odds, he will have to grow up quickly and find something to believe in if he wants to stay alive and sane.

Destiny seemingly has a bright future ahead of her. She’s young, smart, and beautiful inside and out. But the person you choose as your mate can sometimes have just as much influence on your future as all your hard work and due diligence. When Des’ boyfriend's life starts to unravel it is almost impossible to keep her own intact. Young love will be tested along with faith leaving all involved with no choice but to believe that somehow, someway things will turn around and work out for them all.

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