Naturally Beautiful
It gives me great pleasure to publish this book, Naturally Beautiful, and to include, for your convenience, a reprint of Queen of the Planet Earth: The Rebirth and Rise of the Original Woman. It is my sincere desire that these two writings will be of service to you in your mighty struggle against the gravitational pull of the world. Both books were written specifically for the Black woman and both emphasize your unique status as the Second Self of the Creator and the responsibilities that accompany your position. "Queen" is actually a booklet and I have received countless requests for it since I stopped printing it a few years ago. I believe that if you read it immediately following Naturally Beautiful, it will provide you with some tools that will enhance your ability to take the principles of Naturally Beautiful and engage in practical application of feminine exercises such as communicating with the Self and relating to our families more effectively. May Allah bless us to be real sisters and friends.