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Anatomy For Martial Artists

Anatomy For Martial Artists


The martial artist feels the beauty and joy of techniques expertly done, the power of the anatomical structures, and appreciates the priority of function. Understanding how the body works enables us to perform our techniques to the best of our ability. It will also help protect our own bodies from unnecessary wear and tear, and injury. Instructors need to pass this highly important knowledge onto their students. This will keep the injury rate to a minimum, keeping students safe and healthy. Healthy and knowledgeable students continue to study. They in turn become excellent teachers, accurately passing on their style of martial art.

This study guide is meant for the curious and serious martial artist. It is not meant to be so technical that the lay person or student will look at it for a few minutes and set it aside because it is too confusing. We wish for you, the teacher or practitioner, to utilize this information with ease, and apply it to your preferred martial art. The information enclosed was gained through study with my predecessors, research, and physical experiences of 50 years. It is my wish that you will profit from this learning process, and bypass the many mistakes and injuries that I sustained over the years. Professor Jane Carr Kudan (9th Degree Black Belt) American Judo & Jujitsu Federation

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