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Hip Hop Decoded: From Its Ancient Origins to Its Modern Day Matrix

Hip Hop Decoded: From Its Ancient Origins to Its Modern Day Matrix

Walk with me as I uncover this conspiracy as well as many others involving the culture of Hip Hop. We'll look at Hip Hop from its early days when B-Boys and B-Girls represented for the love of the art form, to what it has become today. But make no mistake about it; this is not a book about the history of Hip Hop, it's a book about the mystery of Hip Hop. We'll look at the four elements of Hip Hop: DJing, Emceeing, Break Dancing, and Graffiti as they relate to the four elements of our glorious past: the drum, the oracle, the dancer, and hieroglyphics. Together we'll add the fifth element, which is knowledge, to explore this connection and what effect it has on the future of Hip Hop.

At times this book will not read like an ordinary book, this was done purposely in an attempt to break your thought patterns into fragments and descramble the Matrix program that we currently operate within which tells us how and what to think, even when it comes to Hip Hop. Reading in this manner will help decode and process this information properly. For example, I may start a story, and then abruptly stop it, only to continue it 100 pages later. This is done because in order to understand the rest of the story, some may have to become familiar with information that may sound foreign to them at the time, or otherwise they may dismiss it as something false or impossible. I'll also tell fictional stories with subliminal true undertones aimed at your subconscious mind. Some of my articles about the government, mind control, and Hip Hop are specifically designed to stretch your imagination because remem-ber, "If you can't even conceive it, it's easier for them to achieve it." I'll use a combination of articles, stories, poems, rhymes, illustra-tions, and visuals in an attempt to create the perfect platform for each individual to process this information.

It's easier for some to visualize, while others learn through stories or can hear truth being spoken to them. Our ancestors used all of these formats to teach and I'll keep with that tradition. I'll explore the possibility of some rap-pers being government agents and the secret agreements reached to keep the masses at bay. Then I'll uncover the theory of music hav-ing the ability to heal people and the government conspiracy to tone down and distort the sound of music. I'll decode why Hip Hop videos are dangerous.

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