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Assassination of Love


No matter how long or how well you think you know someone, you only knows what they want you to know. Secrets and new family members came out the woodworks when Zeeka best friend Kelcy was shot and fighting for life for these two families to figure this out. Tracie knows what he and his family are capable of, he also knows for this problem he needs to make that call to the South. With Kelcy fighting for her life and Tra in over his head, their cousin Dezmond and Diamond pays visits to put an end to the problem.

Only to find out their cousin Kelcy best friend, Zeeka, may not be the average 17 year old girl next door. In the mix of trying to figure out who pulled the trigger on Kelz and keep Zee safe Dezmond finds himself being a thug in love. With the age difference and a love triangle brewing he knows he has to just walk away, but will it be that easy. Diamond has loved Chase since the first day he joined her team, and the feelings are definitely mutual. As the saying goes some things are better left alone..

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