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A Gangstas Bitch Pt. 3

A Gangstas Bitch Pt. 3


Up ahead she saw a shadowy figure in the dim light, she stopped walking, and Malcolm bumped into her from behind. “Ra, is that you?” Her voice carried. The figured continued walking toward them. Monique couldn’t make out who it was, they were wearing a hoodie. “Naw honey it’s not Rasheed and there will be no pussy licking on the hood of the car.” Instantly Monique’s stomach churned, turning upside down.

Inadvertently the shoulder bag fell off her arm as she grabbed Malcolm holding him close. “W…what do you want. What are you doing here?” Monique asked in a shaky voice. “I want you bitch!” Game said pulling out the gun. The blue steel of the 38. shimmered off the pale light in the garage. Malcolm had his back turned, he couldn’t see the gun, when he tried to turn at the sound of the voice Monique covered his face. “Game? No! No! What are you doing? Not over no dude, not like this in front of my child.

You can have Rasheed; I’ll turn around and walk away.” Monique said in a quivering voice. “Mommy what’s wrong?” “Shhhh… nothing baby." “It’s too late for walking away. Bitch you should have thought about that when tried to steal Rasheed back from me. He really doesn’t love you!” Game raised her voice. “He loves me and you’re just a problem that needs to be eradicated and I’m going to do it today, right now. So turn around and start walking towards Rasheed’s car parked over there.” Game gestured pointing with the gun toward the black Lexus a few yards away. “Game, I’m pregnant, please don’t do this.” “So am I, bitch. But you’re not going to be pregnant for long.

I can assure you of that.” “Oh, my god… think what you’re doing. You and I used to be best friends now you’re about to do something you’ll regret over some dude.” Monique frowned with her face etched in fear. “Rasheed is not just some dude. If he was, you and I wouldn’t be having this conversation, bitch. And trust me when I say I won’t regret killing you. Now move, start walking!” “Mommy I’m scared.” “I have money, lot of money, some in my bank, in my purse, nearly two thousand dollars and jewelry and expensive clothes, take it and let us go.” “Oh, I’m going to take it, but I’m not letting you two go. Now start walking bitch!” Monique continued to plead with Game. “Huh, take this watch. It’s worth nearly forty stacks.”

Monique waved the watch in front of Game and watched her eyes light up. She was using the watch as a ploy to get Game to come closer; she was going to try her for the gun. It was a long shot but it was all she had. “Last time telling you or I’m going to start blasting. Start walking.” Game shouted looking around she was preparing to shoot Monique right where she stood, defenseless with her child. Instantly Monique knew she was doomed and her motherly instincts kicked in. She reached down and grabbed her son by the shoulders and whispered. “Mommy wants you to play a game, I want you to run and hide and don’t let nobody find you. You hear me baby.” Monique’s lips trembled as she struggled to keep a straight face her eyes were brimming with tears as she spoke what could possibly her last words to her child. “Mommy I don’t wanna—” “This ain’t no game! Come here little man.

Come here…” Malcolm pulled away from his mother and turned looking at her. He began to walk toward Game. She hid the gun under the hoodie jacket. It was still aimed at Monique who was by then trembling. “Come here little man?” Game cooed sweetly with what looked like a derange smile on her face. Her right eye noticeably twitched. She reached out for him. Then, suddenly he took off running. “You little bastard!” Game yelled stomping her feet. A tuft of blond hair fell over her face. Enraged, she rushed over to Monique, shoved her toward the car. Monique nearly stumbled and fell over the luggage, the watch fell out of her hand onto the pavement. They made it to the car. Game opened the truck with the remote, looked over her shoulder, listening. She thought she heard something, car tires.

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